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1 No Country For Old Haters  Feb 3, 2015 11:50:27am

It seems like IS wants us to kill them all. I’m a peaceful person, but the constant over-the-top savagery from these lunatics seems like an invitation to eliminate them completely.

Religion should be a personal delusion, not a mass-psychosis driving idiots to murder people.

2 nines09  Feb 3, 2015 12:02:00pm

The Daesh or ISIS or whatever name the monsters call themselves are only trying to drag us as far back into time as possible. They want to have everything they touch bombed and the more innocent deaths the better.Eye for an eye and all that follow. History on a loop. Bigger rocks to bash each other.

3 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 12:55:14pm

re: #1 No Country For Old Haters

It seems like IS wants us to kill them all. I’m a peaceful person, but the constant over-the-top savagery from these lunatics seems like an invitation to eliminate them completely.

I wouldn’t shed a tear if they disappeared from the face of the earth, to a man.

Religion should be a personal delusion, not a mass-psychosis driving idiots to murder people.

It’s neither delusion nor psychosis, religious or otherwise. It’s a cold, calculated strategy to terrorize & polarize humanity. Did you read the article? It makes it clear that they’re cynically manipulating all sides (the West and its Muslim allies), and their slick videos are not the product of addle-brained religious lunatics, not matter how much it may comfort you to believe so.

Religion is just a tool they’re using to manipulate people’s emotions. They’re organized, sociopathic criminals—the mafia on steroids—intent on acquiring more & more power and whatever benefits come along with it,

4 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 1:00:50pm

re: #2 nines09

The Daesh or ISIS or whatever name the monsters call themselves are only trying to drag us as far back into time as possible. They want to have everything they touch bombed and the more innocent deaths the better.Eye for an eye and all that follow. History on a loop. Bigger rocks to bash each other.

They want to shock, enrage, and spread fear, and they’re doing a pretty good job so far. I felt sick to my stomach when I heard the news about this.

We need to be smarter in how we deal with them if we want to rid ourselves of their existence.

5 nines09  Feb 3, 2015 1:18:34pm

re: #4 CuriousLurker

They seem to be everything bad all rolled into one. With God on their side, of course. Yes. This has been brewing for decades, maybe a century or two. The world needs to be smarter, but you know as well as I, they do the work of several groups, that cannot get away with what they do. Some are happy to see them.

6 blueraven  Feb 3, 2015 2:23:12pm

Maybe they have finally gone too far. They have killed a Muslim in a horrific manner that I believe is against the teachings of Islam…e.g., the burning of a body, dead or alive.

This barbaric action just proves, once again, that there is nothing religious about these people at all. They are a death cult pure and simple. May this be the beginning of their end.

RIP brave Jordanian pilot, Moaz al-Kasasbeh.

7 Great White Snark  Feb 3, 2015 2:59:13pm

I’m stunned to the core of my soul by the sheer cruelty and manipulation. As angry as can be. These people are a scourge. It matters not what they say, who they claim as god, friend or enemy. What matters is what they do and how they can be stopped short of losing our own souls in the process. Far better that more of our blood is spilled than we give up our own morality and sense of civilization by way of revenge.

8 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 3:03:14pm

re: #6 blueraven

You’re correct. The burning of a body, dead or alive, is strictly forbidden in Islam, as is any sort of mutilation of corpses. To harm a body after death (burning, breaking bones, dismembering, etc.) is considered every bit as bad as doing so to a live person.

The atrocities this group has committed, I can’t even… *sigh, smh*

9 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 3:31:47pm

re: #7 Great White Snark

You know what sickens & angers me almost as much as what ISIS has done? The knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers like Geller who are gleefully posting the entire video as well as stills/photos of this horror. They’re assisting ISIS in spreading their propaganda, trying to ratchet up emotions even further.

That’s not how “patriots” behave—they’re scum. *spit*

10 nines09  Feb 3, 2015 3:37:18pm

re: #9 CuriousLurker

Yes they are. Scum.Total. Complete. They are so happy to have this to show how “all’ Islam is. They do the other work for Daesh. Monsters all.

11 Great White Snark  Feb 3, 2015 3:56:10pm

re: #9 CuriousLurker

Yeah, I would not even link the one source earlier. I know what happened all else is a boycott so as to not play into their hands.

12 [deleted]  Feb 3, 2015 4:11:33pm
13 electrotek  Feb 3, 2015 4:12:07pm

re: #9 CuriousLurker

You know what sickens & angers me almost as much as what ISIS has done? The knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers like Geller who are gleefully posting the entire video as well as stills/photos of this horror. They’re assisting ISIS in spreading their propaganda, trying to ratchet up emotions even further.

That’s not how “patriots” behave—they’re scum. *spit*

They are traitors, and they continue to give comfort to the enemy.

14 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 4:18:53pm

re: #12 electrotek

No, that’s NOT what we should do. I suggest you edit your comment—people have been banned for saying things like that, no matter how upset they are.

15 electrotek  Feb 3, 2015 4:26:16pm

re: #2 nines09

The Daesh or ISIS or whatever name the monsters call themselves are only trying to drag us as far back into time as possible. They want to have everything they touch bombed and the more innocent deaths the better.Eye for an eye and all that follow. History on a loop. Bigger rocks to bash each other.

We need to refer to them as the name they hate the most: Da’esh.

16 electrotek  Feb 3, 2015 4:27:07pm

re: #14 CuriousLurker

No, that’s NOT what we should do. I suggest you edit your comment—people have been banned for saying things like that, no matter how upset they are.

Too late for the edit, it was deleted before I could do that.

I just can’t understand how anyone can be brainwashed enough to support these bloodthirsty animals and still claim to be a follower of our Prophet.

17 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 4:31:58pm

re: #15 electrotek

Agreed, I think I’ll start using Daesh as well. For anyone who’s wondering about the alternative name, here’s a good & short explanation.

18 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 4:34:34pm

re: #16 electrotek

I just can’t understand how anyone can be brainwashed enough to support these bloodthirsty animals and still claim to be a follower of our Prophet.

Nor can I.

19 electrotek  Feb 3, 2015 4:41:37pm

re: #18 CuriousLurker

Nor can I.

I have argued with these jihadi nutbags on Twitter who had the nerve to say it is Islamophobic to criticize Da’esh as they said they are our “brothers” and we should give them the benefit of the doubt.

As if I would ever make 70 excuses for their barbarity, the nerve of them.

20 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 4:45:30pm

re: #19 electrotek

I have argued with these jihadi nutbags on Twitter who had the nerve to say it is Islamophobic to criticize Da’esh as they said they are our “brothers” and we should give them the benefit of the doubt.

As if I would ever make 70 excuses for their barbarity, the nerve of them.

I would never, ever attempt to engage in conversation with one of them. I’m afraid it would make my head explode.

21 electrotek  Feb 3, 2015 4:50:32pm

re: #20 CuriousLurker

I would never, ever attempt to engage in conversation with one of them. I’m afraid it would make my head explode.

re: #20 CuriousLurker

If anything, something needs to be done to combat their message. I know Shahed Amanullah is hosting a feature about social media and jihad and how to combat it at SXSW next month.

22 nines09  Feb 3, 2015 5:00:09pm

re: #17 CuriousLurker

re: #15 electrotek

We need to refer to them as the name they hate the most: Da’esh.

That is why I used that. I’ve seen it used in other media reports outside the US and recall it being used also as an insult. Spit the name Da’esh it is. Evil. Dirt. Low. Underfoot. Sullied. Monsters.

23 electrotek  Feb 3, 2015 5:30:41pm

re: #22 nines09

And if we had use the name from the beginning, companies with the name of ISIS or women with the same name wouldn’t have to suffer because of Western news media ignorance. It still annoys the crap out of me that The Guardian continues to refer to them as ISIS instead of Da’esh.

24 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 5:33:16pm

re: #21 electrotek

If anything, something needs to be done to combat their message. I know Shahed Amanullah is hosting a feature about social media and jihad and how to combat it at SXSW next month.

I didn’t know that. It’ll be interesting to see what he/they come up with. There are so many issues to address, and those are only the one’s I can see from here, through my American perspective.

Unless they &* thier citizens want to slide back into total jahiliyyah, I think it’s going to be important that leaders in the ME—those that aren’t completely tyrannical asshats—step it up and fight these guys harder, fight like they’re fighting for their very lives. Because they are.

If they put half as much effort into railing against Daesh as they do into railing against Israel/Zionism…

I’m just sayin’.

25 Great White Snark  Feb 3, 2015 5:36:11pm

Da’esh it is then. The other point to keep hitting on is how this is not religion, it’s an abomination that makes deeply false claims of religious stature.

Thus we give Islam it’s due respect, we recognize a common enemy, we may hope to gain good friends and honest allies. That puts us where we belong in their minds as well as in our own best interests.

Then, only then for the purposes of the physical fight we need not care too much about motivation. A secular army this brutal would gain no less opposition from us and our allies. It’s regretfully now military logistics, kinetic mass, tactics and strategy.

26 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 5:38:18pm

re: #23 electrotek

And if we had use the name from the beginning, companies with the name of ISIS or women with the same name wouldn’t have to suffer because of Western news media ignorance. It still annoys the crap out of me that The Guardian continues to refer to them as ISIS instead of Da’esh.

I think IS (Islamic State) is even worse than ISIS as it incorrectly lends them a veneer of legitimacy and false connection to (mainstream) Islam that they absolutely do not deserve.

27 nines09  Feb 3, 2015 5:40:41pm

re: #26 CuriousLurker

I think IS (Islamic State) is even worse than ISIS as it incorrectly lends them a veneer of legitimacy and false connection to (mainstream) Islam that they absolutely do not deserve.

They are neither a State nor Islamic. They are a stain on humanity.

28 Romantic Heretic  Feb 3, 2015 5:50:45pm

re: #26 CuriousLurker

It’s one of the things I’ve railed against in the past. Why are we giving these people the status, the cachet, of a nation? Of an enemy?

Da’esh aren’t a nation, nor we should we treat them as an enemy. They’re barbaric criminals and that’s how we should treat them.

29 electrotek  Feb 3, 2015 5:58:10pm

re: #24 CuriousLurker

I didn’t know that. It’ll be interesting to see what he/they come up with. There are so many issues to address, and those are only the one’s I can see from here, through my American perspective.

Here ya go

30 electrotek  Feb 3, 2015 5:59:20pm

re: #26 CuriousLurker

I think IS (Islamic State) is even worse than ISIS as it incorrectly lends them a veneer of legitimacy and false connection to (mainstream) Islam that they absolutely do not deserve.

And they have the audacity to claim they are simply following in the footsteps of the Umayyad and Abbasid Khalifas. Makes me wanna puke.

31 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 6:02:58pm

re: #25 Great White Snark

I can’t even begin to express how painful, exasperating, and downright enraging it is to wake up every single day wondering what new horror someone’s going to commit in the name of your religion.

My mind keeps drifting back to the wisdom of my favorite Israeli, Amos Oz, because you’re absolutely right—it’s really NOT about religion vs religion, it’s about extremism vs tolerance, it’s about the question, “How can we be against extremism without turning into anti-extremist extremists?” The last thing I think any of us wants is to become another Pamela Geller or Robert Spencer.

I believe I’ve posted a link to this before, but it bears posting again for anyone who hasn’t read it. Added emphasis is mine:

Fanatics Attack
The best defense against extremism includes empathy, imagination, and a healthy sense of humor

I have called myself an expert on comparative fanaticism. This is no joke. If you ever hear of a school or university starting a department of comparative fanaticism, I am hereby applying for a teaching post. As a former Jerusalemite, as a recovered fanatic, I feel I’m fully qualified for that job. Perhaps it is time that every school, every university teach at least a couple of courses in comparative fanaticism, because it is everywhere. I don’t mean just the obvious manifestations of fundamentalism and zealotry. I don’t refer just to those obvious fanatics, the ones we see on television, in places where hysterical crowds wave their fists against the cameras while screaming slogans in languages we don’t understand. No, fanaticism is almost everywhere, and its quieter, more civilized forms are present all around us and perhaps inside of us as well.

Do I know the anti-smokers who will burn you alive for lighting a cigarette near them! Do I know the vegetarians who will eat you alive for eating meat! Do I know the pacifists, some of my colleagues in the Israeli peace movement, who are willing to shoot me in the head just because I advocate a slightly different strategy on how to make peace with the Palestinians!

I’m not saying, of course, that anyone who raises his or her voice against anything is a fanatic. I’m certainly not suggesting that anyone who has a strong opinion is a fanatic. I’m saying that the seed of fanaticism always lies in uncompromising self-righteousness, the plague of many centuries. […]

We have to be careful about that last bit, about that seed of fanaticism that “always lies in uncompromising self-righteousness.”

32 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 6:04:13pm

re: #29 electrotek

Here ya go


re: #30 electrotek

And they have the audacity to claim they are simply following in the footsteps of the Umayyad and Abbasid Khalifas. Makes me wanna puke.


33 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 3, 2015 7:28:26pm
34 CuriousLurker  Feb 3, 2015 8:01:48pm

re: #33 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

It might make people feel better temporarily, but it just makes martyrs out of the executed. Plus, AFAIK “an eye for an eye” revenge has never brought anyone back from the dead. *sigh*

35 The Vicious Babushka  Feb 4, 2015 4:55:23am

re: #34 CuriousLurker

It might make people feel better temporarily, but it just makes martyrs out of the executed. Plus, AFAIK “an eye for an eye” revenge has never brought anyone back from the dead. *sigh*

Nobody in the history of all time has ever said that executions will “bring back the victims”

At this point executing these terrorists is just like taking out the garbage.

36 CuriousLurker  Feb 4, 2015 5:52:58am

re: #35 The Vicious Babushka

Nobody in the history of all time has ever said that executions will “bring back the victims”

No, they haven’t, nor did I imply that anyone had.

At this point executing these terrorists is just like taking out the garbage.

The article you posted is all about revenge, blood for blood, very emotional. How is that helpful? The whole tit for tat thing hasn’t solved the Israeli-Palestinian problem in how many decades?

As for the terrorists who were executed, the fact that they were put to death is hardly the issue since they were already on death row. Moving up their execution date out of sheer anger & desire for blood revenge doesn’t show strength, it shows Daesh that they can successfully provoke a reaction whenever they want to, which was clearly their intent—why else would they film & disseminate the horror of such a brutal murder?

37 nines09  Feb 4, 2015 7:43:53pm

re: #36 CuriousLurker

Evil walks.

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